4-pack of Vanilla Lavender Lip Balm


Tossing, turning and generally just stressing the night away?

Watching videos instead of switching off and drifting into a deep, deep sleep?

Thought you might be, and you won’t be the only one!

The problem is that with so many artificial ingredients, synthetic additives, constant sources of stress and all the rest, finding a way to switch off has never been more difficult.

That’s why we started thinking about what really matters and then got to work…

When you want to improve your overall health and wellbeing, everything starts with the perfect sleep; and to get the perfect sleep, you have to reconnect with Mother Nature.

After searching far and wide, high and low, we found the purest, richest, natural beeswax in the world. We then set about turning it into a lip balm that can set your mind at ease morning, noon and night.

Like the sound of that? You’ll like this next bit even more…

We decided to walk away from the standard store bought essential oils and do things the natural way. What’s in the store is okay, but we want you to have nothing but the best.

By sourcing vividly fragrant and effortlessly soothing lavender essential oil, and combining it with the sweetest vanilla essential oil you’ve ever experienced, we’ve done things the natural way.  All ingredients are 100% organic


Now imagine what happens when you put it all together into this lip balm…

From the moment the beeswax glides across your lips and locks in moisture, your senses will start to drift into a calmer, more peaceful space.

The lavender allows the stress of the day to fade over the horizon while the vanilla brings the creative part of your brain that gets you dreaming the night away back to life.

 At every stage you’ll feel relaxed, refreshed and revitalized, all with one little glide across the lips.

 Like the way that sounds?

Order you Vanilla Lavender  Lip Balm and now relax.